Here we get a close look at what the developers of experienced throughout the building phase.

Dickey: When did you begin working on
Brandon: Around the middle of May.
Dickey: What was the inspiration for the layout and design of the new site?
Matthew: Well, when looking at the old website a few key design flaws were noticed right off the bat. The old site didn’t have the “Dickey Bub” feel. So, in the development of the new website we went for the classic Dickey Bub look with elements of new innovated website techniques.
Dickey: What is your favorite feature of the new site?
Brandon: My favorite feature is the overall security of the buying process.
Matthew: The product slider and easy access buttons on the homepage. This allows every customer, local or international, to get exactly where they need to be.
Dickey: Is there anything on the old site that you miss?

Brandon: …(thinking hard)…No.
Dickey: Is there anything you want to add to the new site that you haven’t already?
Matthew: We are looking at adding a javascript flipbook for the sales flyer, and we will always be improving the layout and user compatibility.
Dickey: What is the next step?
Matthew: We are going to be working hard on making a professional video/commerical for the homepage of the website and youtube page.
Brandon: I think the next step will be to reach out to people who might not already know about Dickey Bub so that they can also experience what Dickey Bub has to offer.
Dickey: Thank you for you time.

Hope you enjoyed this exclusive interview with the developers.

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1 comment

  1. Steve Kelly says: July 16, 2012

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